Sin and Salvation in a nutshell. (Maybe a coco”NUT”shell)

GOD sent JESUS to pay for our sins, to be the sacrifice for those wrongs we have done. JESUS came willingly and was faithful, never sinned, was a perfect sacrifice, an unspotted LAMB, kind of like when Abraham took his son to the altar and was going to obey GOD and sacrifice his son on the altar, but GOD put a RAM there in the bushes right behind him. You might ask why was it necessary to have a sacrifice, because GOD said that the WAGES of sin is death, and then GOD said, “ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of GOD”, and also said: “And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission”. So, here on earth we were all in a real predicament because EVERYONE had sinned and was sinning, and so GOD’s people tried every way in the world to find or create a sacrifice that would atone for all of the sin, but there was not one, or any thing, worthy anywhere. So GOD, HIMSELF, came to this awful sinful place we call EARTH incarnated in the virgin womb of MARY, and they called HIS NAME JESUS, and HE lived HIS life sin free, even though HE was tempted in every area that man has been tempted in. and yet did not succumb, or fall into SIN. So then HE willingly, knowingly, gave himself up to die a terrible death upon the cross. Why?? Because HE loved mankind so much!! Now, the story goes on. JESUS was buried in a borrowed tomb, but the grave or death could not hold HIM, so HE was given the power to resurrect HIMSELF and come forth from the tomb, and now sits at the right hand of the FATHER, there to make intercession for all who have been “BORN AGAIN” by placing their heartfelt “FAITH” in him for the “PAYMENT” or “ATONEMENT” for their personal SIN. The story goes on, GOD in HIS infinite KNOWLEDGE, PURPOSE and LOVE, didn’t take us on home to HEAVEN but left us here to be an example and a GUIDE to others so that they would not have to die without believing in “THE NAME OF THE BEGOTTEN SON OF GOD”. So, right here, let me interject this thought so you might better understand the “REST OF THE STORY” Everyone here has seen and knows about cats and their curiosity. You can roll a ball, drag a string, or dangle a toy over them and he or she can not help themself; they have to chase it, jump for it, or pounce upon it. “Right or not it can be very entertaining to watch.” Now, since I have told this story, think on this: I left off with GOD not taking us to HEAVEN but leaving us here to be HIS WITNESSES, you see, GOD knew we still had these fleshly tendencies, kind of like the cat, and would need help because GOD’s adversary, satan, would be our adversary, and would be deviling us, no pun intended. So, GOD placed HIS HOLY SPIRIT, HOLY GHOST, within us to make us able to LIVE FOR HIM, which we do most of the time, but every now and then, we are like that ‘ole CAT, satan will dangle something in front of us and before you know it, we done reached out and grabbed it and got ourselves into a mess of trouble. But GOD has got the remedy for that also, for HE said, in 1 John 1:9“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” then HE goes on to say, for GOD also knew that satan would get all of our pride up and that we would begin to deny the sin or try our best to make that sin, “that so easily besets us” to be the RIGHT thing to have done, so in 1 John 1:10 GOD said, “If we say that we have not sinned, we make him (GOD) a liar, and his word is not in us.” GOD is so GOOD and LOVES US SO MUCH!!! In 1 John 2:1,2 GOD had John to write, “My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man/person sin, we have an advocate with the FATHER, JESUS CHRIST the righteous: and HE is the propitiation (payment, atonement) for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.” As a child of GOD, live the best way that you can by using the strength and direction HE has left for you, and if you trip up and FAIL, confess your sins to GOD and keep on keeping on living for GOD every day. If you have not been saved or “BORN AGAIN”, Trust in JESUS’s sacrifice today, before it is too late.

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