Ecclesiastes 10:1 (KJV) “Dead flies cause the ointment of the apothecary to send forth a stinking savour: so doth a little folly him that is in reputation for wisdom and honour.”

Psalms 139:23,24  (KJV) “Search me, o GOD, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts; And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the ways everlasting.”

This is one thing I have learned, and you have probably have also, is to shine the light of “GOD’s WORD” on my own heart and not on someone else. Not on Jim, John, or Mary; not on the other members of the church but on me!! OH GOD SEARCH ME, TRY ME, OH GOD SEE IF THERE IS ANY WICKED WAY IN ME LORD

Maybe I forgot and left the lid off of the ointment and the ole flys got in there and got stuck and died. It doesn’t matter, really, how the “DEAD FLIES” got in there, the fact still remains that they are there and we’ve got to get them out of there, we have got to get the ointment back to were it’s good enough to bring healing to world, to do the work that GOD sent it for.  We left off with DEAD FLIES 1,2,3. LACK OF LOVE, LACK OF FORGIVENESS, and LACK OF ARMOUR

Dead fly #4: Lack of “Vision” the church no longer sees that the fields are ripe for harvest.

John 4:35 …there are 4 month’s until harvest…lift up eyes

 1: We have got to regain our vision, remove cataracts or whatever is causing us to be blind and not seeing the white fields REV 3:17-18  “READ” This excited me last night as I studied. WOW! “..anoint our eyes with “eyesalve” that we may SEE again” how do we accomplish this? What does this mean, I think this next verse we are going to read is going to clear this up. Now turn with me to John 9:3-6 “READ”       “We must let JESUS remove the blindness from our eyes, HE and only HE has the eyesalve that we need that we crave” Just as HE made the blind man able to see again HE can make a blind church see the white fields again.”

 2: We have got to act on our vision, go into the fields just as Jesus sent for the 70: If you remember the 9th chapter of Luke (67 verses) the bible tells us of several occurences that happened as Jesus ministered here on earth.  He called the 12 disciples together and sent them out. After they returned and told Jesus all that they had done HE took them aside privately but the people knew about it and followed HIM, HE fed the 5 thousand, they got alone and he taught some more; and then HE took 3 of the disciples with him and this was when HE was transfigured, later on HE healed the lunatic, refresh your memory by reading this again. Now I want us to look at this.

 Luke 10:2 “We must pray for laborers to help with harvest. Not just to build numbers, not just to build finances, but for help to go out, to be physically active about our labor for the LORD.

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